Who is the #NextGenMD? The #NextGenMD is a Professional. As a Professional, the #NextGenMD will embody the following competencies:
Professional Values
The #NextGenMD understands why each of the following professional values are important in an effective doctor-patient relationship and keeps them at the forefront of their patient care: honesty, compassion, altruism and respect for patients, family and the members of the healthcare team.
Standards of Care
The #NextGenMD understands the appropriate standards of care involved in basic clinical situations such as informed consent, confidentiality and end of life care.
Ethical Reasoning
The #NextGenMD understands what is involved by the generally accepted ethical principles and ethical concepts and demonstrates Professionalism by placing the interest of patients above those of the physician and setting.
Member of Interdisciplinary Team
The #NextGenMD understands the roles of health care professionals and can use and leverage these resources as a member of the Interdisciplinary Team.
Continuous Learner
The #NextGenMD understands the importance of lifelong, continuous learning and seeks opportunities to increase personal knowledge and skills.
#NextGenMD #AProfessional